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The Limping Man (Original title)
Date: 30 November 1953 (Release)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Charles de Lautour

Synopsis: Thriller. A former US soldier, Franklyn Pryor, flies to London in the hopes of rekindling a wartime romance he had six years earlier with Pauline French, a thrill-seeking actress keen on fast cars, sailing and shooting. Even before he is off the tarmac, Pryor is involved in a murder, as a man he is giving a light to is shot dead before him. Pryor finds Pauline by turns happy to see him and furtive, and it becomes clear that she had more involvement with the murder victim than she let on. As the police investigation continues, seeking a limping man who they think fired the fatal shot, Frank uncovers some disturbing facts before finally waking up to the truth.


Homicide, Smuggling, Blackmail, Actresses
Date: 1953Country: United KingdomRelease type: unknownFormat: 35mm Film - Black and White - SoundRuntime: 76 mins Length: 6700 FeetDialogue (original): English

Film, Video or Digital materials held in BFI National Archive(5)

Accessible materials to view(2)
Description: VHS cassetteDuration: 73.14 minutesLine standard: 625Colour standard: PALBFI identifier: C-1042274
Status: Viewing - Videotape can be requested for access

Description: Digital BetacamDuration: 73.14 minutesLine standard: 625Colour standard: PALBFI identifier: C-1042273
Status: Viewing - Videotape can be requested for access

Video materials(2)
Description: VHS cassetteDuration: 73.14 minutesLine standard: 625Colour standard: PALBFI identifier: C-1042274
Status: Viewing - Videotape can be requested for access

Description: Digital BetacamDuration: 73.14 minutesLine standard: 625Colour standard: PALBFI identifier: C-1042273
Status: Viewing - Videotape can be requested for access

Film materials(3)
Description: 35mm Duplicating PositiveBase: SafetySound: CombinedLength: 6850 FeetStock date: 1953BFI identifier: C-92554
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved film

Description: 35mm NegativeBase: SafetySound: SoundStock date: 1953BFI identifier: N-18524
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved film

Description: 35mm Original NegativeBase: SafetySound: MuteStock date: 1953BFI identifier: N-18518
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved film